16004 Valid name, no data record of requested type
25001 Error %d (%s) finding address for host
25002 Error %d (%s) calling WSAAsyncGetHostByAddr
25003 Error %d (%s) calling WSAAsyncGetHostByName
25004 Error %d (%s) calling WSAAsyncGetServByName
25005 Error %d (%s) calling WSAAsyncGetServByPort
25006 Error %d (%s) finding host for address
25007 Error %d (%s) Binding Socket
25008 Error %d (%s) connecting
25009 Error %d (%s) creating new socket
25010 Error %d (%s) calling getpeername
25011 Error %d (%s) calling getsockname
25012 Error %d (%s) getting # of bytes in Receive Buffer
25013 Error %d (%s) listining
25014 Error %d (%s) recieving
25015 Error %d (%s) sending
25016 Error %d (%s) starting up WinSock
25017 No address specified
25018 Socket not open
25019 Can't do reverse lookup on address
25020 Socket Already opened
25021 Datagram exceeds Winsock's max UDP packet size
25022 Winsock DLL Already Loaded, Cannot change name
25023 Invalid type for a Stream socket
25024 Invalid type for a Datagram socket
25025 Error %d (%s) peeking
25026 No Socket Class Defined
64528 Error saving device context
64529 Error creating region
64530 %d is an invalid PageIndex value. PageIndex must be between 0 and %d
64531 You cannot change the Visible property of a page
64532 &Don't show this message again
64533 DSAIdentsGetState storage specifier blank
64534 DSAIdentsSetState storage specifier blank
64544 Slide
64545 Fade
64546 You cannot delete a TdxLayoutDockSite.
64547 You cannot delete a TdxFloatDockSite.
64548 You cannot delete a TdxCustomDockSite in floating mode.
64549 You cannot set the parent for this component.
64550 The Owner of the TdxCustomDockControl must be TCustomForm.
64551 The Parent of the %s must be TdxCustomDockControl.
64552 The Parent of the TdxDockSite cannot be TdxCustomDockControl.
64553 The Parent of the TdxFloatDockSite can only be TdxFloatForm.
64554 You cannot insert a TdxCustomDockControl into TdxDockPanel (%s is being inserted).
64555 You can only insert a TdxCustomDockControl into TdxCustomDockSite (%s is being inserted).
64556 You cannot have more than one TdxDockingManager instance on a Form.
64557 Docking and auto hiding operations are not available for controls declared in an ancestor form.
64558 Incorrect number of points in tab shape
64559 Capacity must be -1 (to cache all regions) or > 0
64560 Rename Toolbar
64561 &Category name:
64562 &Toolbar name:
64563 ... modify
64564 Personalized Menus and Toolbars
64565 Me&nus show recently used commands first
64566 Show f&ull menus after a short delay
64567 &Reset my usage data
64568 Other
64569 &Large icons
64570 Show Tool&Tips on toolbars
64571 Show s&hortcut keys in ToolTips
64572 &Menu animations:
64573 (None)
64574 Random
64575 Unfold
64576 Close
64577 Customize
64578 Cate&gories:
64579 Comman&ds:
64580 Description
64581 &Customize...
64582 &Add or Remove Buttons
64583 More Buttons
64584 &Reset Toolbar
64585 Expand (Ctrl-Down)
64586 Drag to make this menu float
64587 Custom
64588 Add Category
64589 Insert Category
64590 Rename Category
64591 Add Toolbar
64592 Visible
64593 OK
64594 Cancel
64595 SubMenu Editor...
64596 ExpressBars SubMenu Editor
64597 Insert...
64598 Move Up
64599 Move Down
64600 Toolbars
64601 Commands
64602 Options
64603 Toolb&ars:
64604 &New...
64605 R&ename...
64606 &Delete
64607 &Reset...
64608 Delete Bar
64609 &Reset
64610 &Delete
64611 &Name:
64612 &Caption:
64613 Defa&ult style
64614 &Text Only (Always)
64615 Text &Only (in Menus)
64616 Image &and Text
64617 Begin a &Group
64618 &Visible
64619 &Most recently used
64620 Add...
64621 Rename...
64622 Delete
64623 Clear
64624 Are you sure you want to reset the changes made to the '%s' toolbar?
64625 This will delete the record of the commands you've used in this application and restore the default set of visible commands to the menus and toolbars. It will not undo any explicit customizations. Are you sure you want to proceed?
64626 A Form should contain only a single TdxBarManager
64627 TdxBarManager should have as its Owner - TForm (TCustomForm)
64628 There are no TdxBarManagers available
64629 Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' toolbar?
64630 Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' category?
64631 Are you sure you want to delete all commands in the '%s' category?
64632 You cannot create recursive subitems
64633 A command name cannot be blank. Please enter a name.
64634 A toolbar named '%s' already exists. Type another name.
64635 You cannot create recursive groups
64636 Default
64637 Add &SubItem
64638 Add &Button
64639 Add &Item
64640 Red
64641 Lime
64642 Yellow
64643 Blue
64644 Fuchsia
64645 Aqua
64646 White
64647 (automatic)
64648 (custom)
64649 Today
64650 Clear
64651 Select the date
64652 Select item
64653 Select item
64654 The place for the
64655 You cannot assign the same control to more than one TdxBarControlContainerItem.
64656 Win+
64657 BCD overflow
64658 %s is not a valid BCD value
64659 Could not parse SQL TimeStamp string
64660 Invalid SQL date/time values
64661 OK
64662 Cancel
64663 Black
64664 Maroon
64665 Green
64666 Olive
64667 Navy
64668 Purple
64669 Teal
64670 Gray
64671 Silver
64672 Only THeader and THeaderControl components can be passed to TRzCustomTabbedListBox.UpdateFromHeader
64673 Row parameter out of range
64674 Column parameter out of range
64675 Customize Toolbar
64676 Uncheck to hide control
64677 Move Up
64678 Move Down
64679 Close
64680 Text Options
64681 No text labels
64682 Show text labels
64683 Selective text on right
64684 Invalid property index %d.
64688 Highlight Text
64689 Button Face
64690 Button Shadow
64691 Gray Text
64692 Button Text
64693 Inactive Caption Text
64694 Button Highlight
64695 3D Dark Shadow
64696 3D Light
64697 Info Text
64698 Info Background
64699 Hot Light
64700 Gradient Active Caption
64701 Gradient Inactive Caption
64702 Menu Highlight
64703 Menu Bar
64704 Lavender
64705 White
64706 Scroll Bar
64707 Background
64708 Active Caption
64709 Inactive Caption
64710 Menu
64711 Window
64712 Window Frame
64713 Menu Text
64714 Window Text
64715 Caption Text
64716 Active Border
64717 Inactive Border
64718 App WorkSpace
64719 Highlight
64720 Violet
64721 Gray 40%
64722 Pink
64723 Gold
64724 Yellow
64725 Bright Green
64726 Turquoise
64727 Sky Blue
64728 Plum
64729 Gray 25%
64730 Rose
64731 Tan
64732 Light Yellow
64733 Light Green
64734 Light Turquoise
64735 Pale Blue
64736 Indigo
64737 Gray 80%
64738 Dark Red
64739 Orange
64740 Dark Yellow
64741 Green
64742 Teal
64743 Blue
64744 Blue Gray
64745 Gray 50%
64746 Red
64747 Light Orange
64748 Lime
64749 Sea Green
64750 Aqua
64751 Light Blue
64752 Tooltip background
64753 Gradient Active Caption
64754 Gradient Inactive Caption
64755 Hot Light
64756 Menu Bar
64757 Menu Highlight
64758 OLE error %.8x
64759 Method '%s' not supported by automation object
64760 Variant does not reference an automation object
64761 Dispatch methods do not support more than 64 parameters
64762 Black
64763 Brown
64764 Olive Green
64765 Dark Green
64766 Dark Teal
64767 Dark Blue
64768 Window text
64769 Active window title bar text
64770 Active window border
64771 Inactive window border
64772 Application workspace
64773 Selection background
64774 Selection text
64775 Button face
64776 Button shadow
64777 Dimmed text
64778 Button text
64779 Inactive window title bar text
64780 Button highlight
64781 Dark shadow 3D elements
64782 Highlight 3D elements
64783 Tooltip text
64784 Gray 25%
64785 Rose
64786 Tan
64787 Light Yellow
64788 Light Green
64789 Light Turquoise
64790 Pale Blue
64791 Lavender
64792 Scrollbar
64793 Desktop background
64794 Active window title bar
64795 Inactive window title bar
64796 Menu background
64797 Window background
64798 Window frame
64799 Menu text
64800 Gray 80%
64801 Dark Red
64802 Orange
64803 Dark Yellow
64804 Blue Gray
64805 Gray 50%
64806 Light Orange
64807 Sea Green
64808 Light Blue
64809 Violet
64810 Gray 40%
64811 Pink
64812 Gold
64813 Bright Green
64814 Turquoise
64815 Plum
64816 Lime
64817 Yellow
64818 Blue
64819 Fuchsia
64820 Aqua
64821 White
64822 Money green
64823 Sky blue
64824 Cream
64825 Medium gray
64826 Brown
64827 Olive Green
64828 Dark Green
64829 Dark Teal
64830 Dark Blue
64831 Indigo
64832 GIF image encoding error
64833 Unknown GIF version
64834 BitmapToMemoryStream: pixel format not implemented
64835 BitmapToMemoryStream: bit count not implemented
64836 Browse
64837 All files (*.*)|*.*
64838 Black
64839 Maroon
64840 Green
64841 Olive green
64842 Navy blue
64843 Purple
64844 Teal
64845 Gray
64846 Silver
64847 Red
64848 ANI Image
64849 The Default Root Value "%0:s" has been replaced with "%1:s".\nPlease change the value in the FileVersionInfo Project Properties.
64850 Unable to create key '%s'
64851 Error enumerating registry
64852 Invalid type
64853 Unknown base type for given set
64854 Invalid path
64855 '%s' is not a unique root path
64856 Circular reference of storages
64857 CompuServe GIF Image
64858 Cannot change the Size of a GIF image
64859 No GIF Data to write
64860 Unrecognized extension block: %.2x
64861 Wrong number of colors; must be a power of 2
64979 %d days left.
64980 This is an unregistered version of %s. You have %d days left to evaluate it.
64981 It is not crippled in any way, it will just stop working when your evaluation period is up.
64982 Use Help|Purchase to purchase BulletProof FTP Client, which will enable you to use it after the 30 day period.
64983 Registered to %s -
64984 This copy is registered to %s - %s
64985 You have exceeded your 30 day trial limit. Click OK to go to BulletProof FTP Client web page to register so you can continue using it.
64986 This evaluation version of BulletProof FTP Client has expired - everything will continue to function as normal, except you will not be able to transfer any files.
64987 Registering BulletProof FTP Client will restore full functionality
64988 user license.
64989 Illegal key detected - you are running BulletProof Client FTP illegally!
64990 An illegal keymaker was used to create the key that BulletProof FTP Client is registered with. Illegal use will not be tolerated.
64991 If you register right away this incident will be overlooked. You will now be taken to the registration page automatically.
64992 Destination dir:
64993 Text files (*.txt)|*.txt
64994 Select the file list you wish to import
64995 Enter file to upload (wildcards OK)
64996 Filename:
64997 If this doesn't work, use slow cache instead. (Not all servers support the fast method)
64998 Enter directory to start from
64999 This process takes a very long time on large sites, only use it if you've tried fast cache and that failed.
65000 Please clear the queue before caching the directory structure.
65001 New file detected: %s
65002 File rename detected: %s
65003 Filesize change detected on %s
65004 File write detected on %s
65005 How many bytes do you wish to transfer
65006 BulletProof FTP Client will %s
65007 in %d seconds...
65008 hang up
65009 quit and hangup
65010 run specified program
65011 shut down computer
65012 BulletProof FTP Client is shutting down...
65013 Running %s
65014 Couldn't shut down!
65015 Disconnecting...
65016 terminating..
65017 Total time remaining:
65018 at least
65019 Total time taken:
65020 You don't have any sites in your sitelist to export!
65021 You can't monitor the directory that your session file is in.
65022 This only works with "fast directory changes" enabled
65023 Directory to move file(s) to
65024 This server does not appear to support passive mode FTP, retrying...
65025 This site doesn't support file resuming.
65026 Directory "%s" created successfully.
65027 Directory
65028 It appears that this server doesn't understand a basic FTP command. (%s)
65029 Not logged in.
65030 Redirection location is invalid or unrecognised.
65031 Error retrieving file.
65032 Downloading %s
65033 This server does not support resume.
65034 Remote file is the same size, skipping....
65035 Remote file is smaller, skipping...
65036 Data Connection opened.
65037 disconnect from the site
65038 quit
65039 mirror the site
65040 |%s: %d object(s) - %s %s
65041 Connected, waiting for response...
65042 Server closed control connection.
65043 Redirected to another location.
65044 Successfully downloaded %s
65045 Bytes
65046 Error - I don't understand the FTP server's reply!
65047 Download credit has run out, reconnecting...
65048 Credit has run out, uploading....
65049 You don't have enough credit to download and no item was queued for upload - queue processing aborted.
65050 TIP: On FTP sites with a ratio, queue a few files for upload and leave them at the bottom of the queue. When your credit runs out, BulletProof FTP Client will automatically upload one of the files and then continue downloading. For more info, click OK
65051 Couldn't restore, restarting from beginning of file.
65052 Error uploading file, I'll try again with a different filename...
65053 Error uploading file, I tried %s times but that didn't work.
65054 Make sure you're uploading to the correct directory and try again.
65055 Warning - there seems to have been a problem creating a directory. Continuing anyway...
65056 You need to be connected before you can search for files.
65057 Enter source file
65058 Source file:
65059 Session loaded from %s
65060 Disconnect before loading a session
65061 Session saved to %s
65062 Hung up connection to %s
65063 BulletProof FTP Client was unable to disconnect from %s
65064 Couldn't disconnect from the internet - no active connections detected.
65065 Local listing
65066 Remote listing
65067 Queue listing
65068 (Disk free space: %s)
65069 (%s uploads, %s downloads)
65070 (%s uploads, %s downloads, %s ratio)
65071 |%s: %d object(s) selected - %s %s
65072 Destination filename:
65073 Enter Destination directory
65074 Destination directory:
65075 Enter attributes (as 3 digit octal number)
65076 Attributes:
65077 Error creating new session!
65078 Fatal Error - %s
65079 Attempting to reconnect - this may only be a temporary error
65080 This will clear everything apart from the local listing - are you sure you wish to do this?
65081 Make Local Directory
65082 Local Directory:
65083 Error creating directory!
65084 Are you sure you want to delete %s file(s)/dir(s)?
65085 Error viewing %s!
65086 Wildcard
65087 Wildcard (eg *.html will show .html files) :
65088 Enter URL
65089 URL:
65090 Are you sure you wish to quit BulletProof FTP Client? You're currently connected.
65091 Make Remote Directory
65092 Enter Custom Command
65093 Custom Command:
65094 Last try before skipping...
65095 Reconnecting - try #%s
65096 Reconnecting...
65097 Enter full path and filename
65098 Path/Filename:
65099 File "%s" does not exist!
65100 Error %d writing to log file %s
65101 Change attributes manually
65102 Enter destination filename
65103 Change destination directory
65104 Site Name:
65105 Retrieving index file...
65106 Couldn't bring dialog to front!
65107 (see http://www.bpftp.com/faq for solution)
65108 URL detected in clipboard.
65109 Invalid URL.
65110 Couldn't import sitelist, send to support@bpftp.com for examination.
65111 Error opening file!
65112 Folder: %s (%d subitems)
65113 %s FTP sites imported.
65114 Select the site list you wish to import
65115 Folder names:
65116 Error reading sitelist %s
65117 FTP Explorer sitelist found - do you want to import it?
65118 FTP Explorer sitelist was not found in registry!
65119 Rename file to
65120 This will remove all files from the queue - are you sure you wish to do this?
65121 Corrupt sitelist file
65122 Please wait...
65123 Directory is being monitored, please disable monitoring before loading from or saving to this directory.
65124 Error saving queue list!
65125 Default.bps
65126 %s isn't a BulletProof FTP Client Session-File!
65127 Change Remote Directory
65128 Remote Directory:
65129 Deleted %s
65130 Unable to delete incomplete/old file!
65131 Incomplete-
65132 Previously downloaded incomplete file is larger - last attempt deleted.
65133 Renamed %s%s to %s%s%s
65134 Please go to the site manager and select an appropriate folder, then add the site.
65135 Enter Site Name
65136 Local Date:
65137 Local Size:
65138 Requesting
65139 Data Connection closed
65140 Disconnected.
65141 Exceeded retry limit, skipping...
65142 Delaying for %d seconds before reconnect...
65143 Connection timed out.
65144 Password
65145 Directory not in cache - please wait until the server is ready.
65146 Directory not in cache - you'll need to log in to the server to view this directory.
65147 Warning: Not enough space on drive %s to transfer %4.0f bytes - do you wish to continue anyway?
65148 Monitor directory disabled due to file download.
65149 Queue transfer aborted.
65150 You need to select at least one file to download!
65151 You need to select at least one file to upload!
65152 Winamp is not running, can't play %s
65153 Viewing %s%s
65154 BulletProof FTP is not designed for running at %dx%d resolution.
65155 It will still work but it is recommended that you change to at least 800x600.
65156 You can do this under Control Panel/Display within Windows,
65157 would you like to do this now?
65158 The program will now quit and run the Display settings dialog. Once you've done this, run BulletProof FTP again.
65159 Error showing display dialog! Please run it yourself from the Control Panel.
65160 BulletProof FTP now has a new caching system and the Cache directory is no longer required. Would you like to remove it?
65161 Connecting to FTP firewall/proxy host - %s port %s
65162 Connecting to HTTP firewall/proxy host - %s port %s
65163 Connecting to %s port %s
65164 Remote Date: Unknown
65165 Remote Date:
65166 Remote Size: Unknown
65167 Remote Size:
65168 Resolving host name...
65169 Connecting...
65170 &Resume it
65171 This will clear your current search
65172 Waiting until %s %s ...
65173 Error deleting %s\%s
65174 Error removing "%s" (possibly read only)
65175 %s bytes/sec
65176 KB/sec
65177 Speed dropped below %d bytes/sec.
65178 Error reading from source file (check that it isn't in use by another application)
65179 Error writing to %s%s - aborting...
65180 Error creating/writing to %s%s - aborting...
65181 %.0n bytes
65182 %s bytes transferred in %s, %s bytes/sec
65183 Sent %s to Winamp.
65184 Rename to:
65185 Disabling this option solves some problems but can create others. It is highly recommended that you re-enable this if you're not having any problems with the server
65186 Oops! You set the minimum speed greater than the maximum speed, I'll fix this for you.
65187 This box will self-destruct in %d seconds.
65188 This version:
65189 Connecting to server...
65190 Connected, requesting latest version info...
65191 Error connecting.
65192 Error connecting -
65193 Version request complete.
65194 You have the latest version
65195 Check website for latest beta
65196 Error... please try again.
65197 A newer version is available:
65198 Click to download the latest version.
65199 Click on the link to download the latest version.
65200 The language file can not be read. You need to download the latest Language Manager
65201 Can't create DLL. The native DLL is invalid
65202 Invalid LangResources
65203 Error saving language DLL
65204 Invalid index
65205 Source stream is not defined
65206 Destination stream is not defined
65207 Wrong stream format
65208 You forgot to enter the sitename
65209 You forgot to enter the site address
65210 Are you sure you wish to delete the selected site(s)?
65211 You have entered a port number greater than 65535; there is in fact no such thing. The correct port number will be entered for you automatically, you should advise the site administrator what port their server is REALLY on
65212 Are you sure you want to delete this folder and all its subfolders?
65213 Enter name of new folder
65214 Folder name:
65215 Rename Folder to
65216 Wrong DFM Format
65217 Can't find RCDATA block
65218 Component name is too long: "%s"
65219 Error while processing form "%s"\n%s
65220 \nLine#: %s\nForm: %s
65221 Couldn't open file: %s
65222 MapViewOfFile failed
65223 Unrecognized file format
65224 Not a PE (WIN32 Executable) file
65225 No resources in this file.
65226 ResourceItem is not a list
65227 Could not add language
65228 Could not remove language
65229 Empty dictionary
65230 File does not exist
65231 Invalid file format
65232 Invalid owner
65233 %d is an invalid PageIndex value. PageIndex must be between 0 and %d
65234 This control requires version 4.70 or greater of COMCTL32.DLL
65235 Date exceeds maximum of %s
65236 Date is less than minimum of %s
65237 You must be in ShowCheckbox mode to set to this date
65238 Failed to set calendar date or time
65239 Failed to set maximum selection range
65240 Failed to set calendar min/max range
65241 Failed to set calendar selected range
65242 Language file "%s" is not found
65243 Specified path "%s" does not exist
65244 Localizer is not initialized
65245 Language "%s" is not found
65246 Can not delete file "%s"
65247 Invalid KLANGS resource
65248 UTF-8
65249 UTF-7
65250 Unable to find a Table of Contents
65251 No help found for %s
65252 No context-sensitive help installed
65253 No help found for context
65254 No topic-based help system installed
65255 Failed to clear tab control
65256 Failed to delete tab at index %d
65257 Failed to retrieve tab at index %d
65258 Failed to get object at index %d
65259 Failed to set tab "%s" at index %d
65260 Failed to set object at index %d
65261 MultiLine must be True when TabPosition is tpLeft or tpRight
65262 Invalid index
65263 Unable to insert an item
65264 Picture:
65265 (%dx%d)
65266 Preview
65267 Docked control must have a name
65268 Error removing control from dock tree
65269 - Dock zone not found
65270 - Dock zone has no control
65271 Error loading dock zone from the stream. Expecting version %d, but found %d.
65272 Multiselect mode must be on for this feature
65273 Error setting %s.Count
65274 Listbox (%s) style must be virtual in order to set Count
65275 No OnGetItem event handler assigned
65276 ANSI
65277 ASCII
65278 Unicode
65279 Big Endian Unicode
65280 Down
65281 Ins
65282 Del
65283 Shift+
65284 Ctrl+
65285 Alt+
65286 (Unknown)
65287 (None)
65288 All
65289 Unable to insert a line
65290 Invalid clipboard format
65291 Clipboard does not support Icons
65292 Cannot open clipboard
65293 Text exceeds memo capacity
65294 There is no default printer currently selected
65295 Menu '%s' is already being used by another form
65296 &Ignore
65297 &All
65298 N&o to All
65299 Yes to &All
65300 BkSp
65301 Tab
65302 Esc
65303 Enter
65304 Space
65305 PgUp
65306 PgDn
65307 End
65308 Home
65309 Left
65310 Up
65311 Right
65312 Enhanced Metafiles
65313 Icons
65314 Bitmaps
65315 Invalid input value
65316 Invalid input value. Use escape key to abandon changes
65317 Warning
65318 Error
65319 Information
65320 Confirm
65321 &Yes
65322 &No
65323 OK
65324 Cancel
65325 &Help
65326 &Abort
65327 &Retry
65328 %s on %s
65329 GroupIndex cannot be less than a previous menu item's GroupIndex
65330 Cannot create form. No MDI forms are currently active
65331 A control cannot have itself as its parent
65332 OK
65333 Cancel
65334 &Yes
65335 &No
65336 &Help
65337 &Close
65338 &Ignore
65339 &Retry
65340 Abort
65341 &All
65342 Cannot drag a form
65343 Metafiles
65344 Error creating window device context
65345 Error creating window class
65346 Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window
65347 Control '%s' has no parent window
65348 Parent given is not a parent of '%s'
65349 Cannot hide an MDI Child Form
65350 Cannot change Visible in OnShow or OnHide
65351 Cannot make a visible window modal
65352 %s property out of range
65353 Menu index out of range
65354 Menu inserted twice
65355 Sub-menu is not in menu
65356 Not enough timers available
65357 Printer is not currently printing
65358 Printing in progress
65359 Printer selected is not valid
65360 Invalid pixel format
65361 Invalid image
65362 Scan line index out of range
65363 Cannot change the size of an icon
65364 Invalid operation on TOleGraphic
65365 Unknown picture file extension (.%s)
65366 Unsupported clipboard format
65367 Out of system resources
65368 Canvas does not allow drawing
65369 Invalid image size
65370 Too many images
65371 Invalid ImageList
65372 Unable to Replace Image
65373 Invalid ImageList Index
65374 Failed to read ImageList data from stream
65375 Failed to write ImageList data to stream
65376 Failed to set data for '%s'
65377 Resource %s not found
65378 %s.Seek not implemented
65379 Operation not allowed on sorted list
65380 String expected
65381 %s expected
65382 %s not in a class registration group
65383 Property %s does not exist
65384 Stream write error
65385 Thread creation error: %s
65386 Thread Error: %s (%d)
65387 Tab position incompatible with current tab style
65388 Tab style incompatible with current tab position
65389 Bitmap image is not valid
65390 Icon image is not valid
65391 Metafile is not valid
65392 Invalid property type: %s
65393 Invalid property value
65394 Invalid data type for '%s'
65395 Invalid string constant
65396 Line too long
65397 List capacity out of bounds (%d)
65398 List count out of bounds (%d)
65399 List index out of bounds (%d)
65400 Out of memory while expanding memory stream
65401 Number expected
65402 %s on line %d
65403 Error reading %s%s%s: %s
65404 Stream read error
65405 Property is read-only
65406 Failed to create key %s
65407 Failed to get data for '%s'
65408 A class named %s already exists
65409 List does not allow duplicates ($0%x)
65410 A component named %s already exists
65411 String list does not allow duplicates
65412 Cannot create file "%s". %s
65413 Cannot open file %s
65414 Cannot open file "%s". %s
65415 Identifier expected
65416 Unable to write to %s
65417 Invalid binary value
65418 Invalid file name - %s
65419 Invalid stream format
65420 ''%s'' is not a valid component name
65421 Invalid property value
65422 Invalid property element: %s
65423 Invalid property path
65424 Sat
65425 Sunday
65426 Monday
65427 Tuesday
65428 Wednesday
65429 Thursday
65430 Friday
65431 Saturday
65432 Unable to create directory
65433 Ancestor for '%s' not found
65434 Cannot assign a %s to a %s
65435 Bits index out of range
65436 Can't write to a read-only resource stream
65437 ''%s'' expected
65438 CheckSynchronize called from thread $%x, which is NOT the main thread
65439 Class %s not found
65440 March
65441 April
65442 May
65443 June
65444 July
65445 August
65446 September
65447 October
65448 November
65449 December
65450 Sun
65451 Mon
65452 Tue
65453 Wed
65454 Thu
65455 Fri
65456 System Error. Code: %d.\n%s
65457 A call to an OS function failed
65458 Jan
65459 Feb
65460 Mar
65461 Apr
65462 May
65463 Jun
65464 Jul
65465 Aug
65466 Sep
65467 Oct
65468 Nov
65469 Dec
65470 January
65471 February
65472 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is not usable
65473 Too many custom variant types have been registered
65474 Could not convert variant of type (%s) into type (%s)
65475 Overflow while converting variant of type (%s) into type (%s)
65476 Variant overflow
65477 Invalid argument
65478 Invalid variant type
65479 Operation not supported
65480 Unexpected variant error
65481 External exception %x
65482 Assertion failed
65483 Interface not supported
65484 Exception in safecall method
65485 %s (%s, line %d)
65486 Abstract Error
65487 Access violation at address %p in module '%s'. %s of address %p
65488 Exception %s in module %s at %p.\n%s%s\n
65489 Application Error
65490 Format '%s' invalid or incompatible with argument
65491 No argument for format '%s'
65492 Variant method calls not supported
65493 Read
65494 Write
65495 Error creating variant or safe array
65496 Variant or safe array index out of bounds
65497 Variant or safe array is locked
65498 Invalid variant type conversion
65499 Invalid variant operation
65500 Invalid NULL variant operation
65501 Invalid variant operation (%s%.8x)\n%s
65502 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) is out of range
65503 Custom variant type (%s%.4x) already used by %s
65504 Invalid numeric input
65505 Division by zero
65506 Range check error
65507 Integer overflow
65508 Invalid floating point operation
65509 Floating point division by zero
65510 Floating point overflow
65511 Floating point underflow
65512 Invalid pointer operation
65513 Invalid class typecast
65514 Access violation at address %p. %s of address %p